lifestyle · motherhood

The First Book for your Baby

The first time she stretched her arm trying to reach for the book I was holding was a special moment!!! I’ve always loved reading for my baby, even when she was in my womb! I always felt that she could hear me, at least she was able to recognize my voice!! Once she was in… Continue reading The First Book for your Baby

lifestyle · motherhood · parenting

5 ways to prepare your toddler to be an older sibling

Becoming an older sibling can be a huge transition for toddlers. To make the process a bit easier, you can start preparing before the new baby is even born. When my little man was 3 and a half years old he became a big brother. We did as much as we could to prepare him… Continue reading 5 ways to prepare your toddler to be an older sibling

#delivery · #motherhood · giving birth · lanathemother

Hospital Stay with my Girl

I woke up on Saturday around 3:30am to a small wet spot on my bed, my water had ruptured and I was slowly leaking, and started feeling contractions!! so I took a quick shower, woke my hubby up (who said while still sleeping, can you postpone it another two hours?? ), grabbed my bags, headed to my… Continue reading Hospital Stay with my Girl

giving birth · pregnancy

Why I don’t want to get pregnant again?

My Second Pregnancy Experience.. When I got pregnant for the second time, we were so excited, we had been trying for six months, and we wanted to have a brother for my son. When I told my husband after me getting out of the clinic, and my pregnancy confirmed, he was so happy, he jumped… Continue reading Why I don’t want to get pregnant again?

chicco · health and hygiene · lanathemother · mama

Why we can’t trust Chicco anymore!

First of all, I would like to say that I’ve never written a review about anything ever, negative or positive, as I have never felt compelled to and am very tolerant of products and generally figure out a way to acceptably live with them after a while. This product (Chicco Naturalfit) has irritated me so… Continue reading Why we can’t trust Chicco anymore!